Greetings In the Matchless Name of Jesus!
We are delighted to have you visit with us through this social network. It is our mission to teach and preach the Word of God with clarity and understanding.
Van Nessal and I would love for you to join us and be a part of our awesome worship and life changing services.
We hope that you will enjoy our website; so take your time and look at our awesome ministry. We have been favored by God to serve such an awesome group of people. We are forever grateful!
It is our prayer that God will do a New thing in your life.
Enjoy and May God bless you richly,
Pastor Patrick N. Wilson, Sr.
History of New Birth
List of Ministries
Men’s Department
Singles Complete Ministry
Ushers & Greeters
Women’s Department
Drama Ministry
Youth Department:
M.O.V.E. Ministry (Young men ages 13-17)
Girls who S.O.A.R. (Standing Out
Among the Rest)
K.I.D.S.C.O.P.E ministry (ages 3-12)
Order of Services
Sunday Morning
9:45am: Enrichment Classes
11:00am: Worship Service
Wednesday Night
6:30pm: Corporate Prayer
7:00pm: Bible Study